I have been an avid fan of “Flip This House” since it debuted several years ago on A&E. I have watched as Than Merrill, Rudy Martinez, and the rest of the gang flipped foreclosures for profit in cities across the U.S. And sometimes, I’ve wondered to myself, where do they find these guys? Some of the decisions that I watch being made on the show are questionable at best, and the outcomes often seem a little...hmm, shall we say, overly optimistic? Many times, when they tally the expenses at the end of the show, there seem to be quite a few fees that are left out of the equation in order to make it look like the flips turned a profit, or perhaps a larger profit than they actually did.
As the marketing director for Team Plantone of Wynn Realty, I work for a house flipper here in Las Vegas that I would bet puts up numbers that can rival any of the stars on “Flip This House.” I have worked with Glenn Plantone for the last four years, and have watched him grow his team and refine his methods to best serve his investor clients. Last year, Glenn successfully flipped 31 properties in Las Vegas, mostly foreclosures and short sales, and this year he is on track to double or triple that figure.
Glenn actually has a very unique method for acquiring, flipping and reselling properties. Glenn starts by acquiring the properties either through short sales, at the foreclosure auction, or post-foreclosure through bank-owned REOs. Once the properties have been purchased, like the flipper on “Flip This House”, Glenn rehabs the properties to better than new condition. At this point, the similarities end. Most flippers, including those on the show “Flip This House”, liquidate their renovated properties to traditional owner-occupant buyers. Glenn takes the system a step further; by first, placing long term renters or lease option tenants in the rehabbed property; and second, selling the property as a turn-key investment property to his investor clients.
Since Las Vegas has led the nation in foreclosures for the last several years, there are many displaced families looking for rental housing. Glenn’s method provides these families with quality, affordable housing. Simultaneously, Las Vegas continues to be a hot spot for investors looking to capitalize on historically low home prices and high rates of cash flow return. Glenn’s method provides them with turn-key investment properties that couldn’t be easier to own...they are already renovated, professionally managed, and have a cash-flowing tenant in place by the time Glenn offers them for sale to his investors.
I have really enjoyed working with Team Plantone over the last several years and watching a true flipping professional in action. Maybe the “Flip This House” producers will take notice some day. After all, Glenn is posting numbers that should make him the number one buying agent in all of Las Vegas this quarter. Until then, we’ll continue to do our thing...flipping houses, Las Vegas style.
If you are interested in purchasing one of Glenn’s turn-key flips or, if you are interested in investing with Glenn, please contact him for more information.
Glenn Plantone
Wynn Realty
(702) 656-3264
www.glennplantone.com or www.vegasforeclosures.blogspot.com
Demand for turnkey rental the past few years has increased — a function of foreclosures and fewer existing rental properties making the decision to buy